On completion this nationally recognised unit of competencywill provide assurance to civil construction contractors, employers and employees that vacuum truck operators have achieved competency in this activity.
RIICOM303 Conduct vacuum excavations has been designed for usage within the resources and infrastructure industry.
Skilled plant operators in the civil construction industry directly impact productivity, so to ensure that you or your workers are competent, contact Onsite Training Solutions to discuss workplace delivery, including recognition, gap training or skills development.
This qualification reflects the role of a skilled operator working in pipe laying in the civil construction industry, who applies a broad range of skills in a varied work context, using some discretion and judgement and relevant theoretical knowledge. The individual may provide theoretical advice and support a team.
This qualification reflects the role of a skilled operator working in road construction and maintenance, who applies a broad range of skills in a varied work context, using some discretion and judgement and relevant theoretical knowledge. The individual may provide theoretical advice and support a team.